Tree FX can safely and efficiently remove stumps on your property.
When carrying out stump removal it is important to have a thorough understanding of underground services and be able to identify and accurately locate potential problems associated with these.
Standard practice is stumps are ground to minimum 300mm below ground level (where services allow), ready for replanting.
It is also important to have a sound knowledge of how grinding around retained trees can have a potential impact on tree health and or stability.
Our arborists have the knowledge and understanding to identify all these potential hazards before they become a problem for you. Let our team advise you before commencing stump removal works.
We engage several reputable contractors with a range of stump grinding machines of all sizes to assist you with any job as part of your tree removal works. Sometimes this work can be carried out on the same day and at other times a second visit may be required.
Alternatively, if you are needing assistance in removing stumps with no other tree management service required...Get in touch and we will happily share our contractors' details.
Please note; after a stump is ground, a pile of wood and soil debris remains.
Stump Poisoning
Where you choose not to grind the stump or we are unable to due to access or location, you can choose to poison the stump.
Tree FX will apply one coat of poison to the stump at the conclusion of the tree removal.
Please note; sometimes more than one application of poison is required to prevent reshooting, therefor no guarantees can be made. Should reshooting occur re-poisoning is the responsibility of the client.