Snakes, Trees and Secret Valentines… what could all these things have in common?
Its been a slow news week… so I’m guessing the most pressing questions people have on their lips right now is, what do trees and snakes have in common and who is my 74 year old mothers secret valentine.
Well maybe its not exactly the two questions you had on your mind, but they are the two that I will attempt to answer in this blog post.
Question 1: What do snakes and trees have in common?
Depending on how observant you are, or perhaps how many gum trees you have in your back yard, you may have noticed how messy the trees are at the moment. A lot of this mess is in fact the trees shedding their bark.
Just like snakes, as a tree is actively growing, it needs to shed its bark in order for the tree to grow. Through a growing season cells divide at a microscopic level to produce new wood and new bark. These seasons depending on factors like water and nutrient availability can be periods of rapid growth (the type where it seems like in any given week or month your trees are getting bigger right before your eyes). Or periods of slow growth (where nothing seems to happen at all).
Young trees will be more vigorous and therefore grow more quickly where as old trees or perhaps less healthy trees may show very few growth indicators.
There is also a difference in growth rates for evergreen trees that are likely growing all the time throughout the year (at different rates) and deciduous trees that have a dormant period (in the winter when there are no leaves) where little or no growth occurs.
When you are looking at a tree that has recently shed its bark you may be interested to know that you are actually looking at the youngest or newest part of the tree, as the new bark has just been produced and is likely no more than a year old.
Just like in the spring when deciduous trees put on their new flush of spring growth, it is bright and fresh and crisp and clean, as it ages through the season just like bark, it becomes older looking, and probably starts to show signs of ageing and perhaps insect damage and other environmental influences.
We sometimes get called out to look at cracks in tree trunks, more often than not these cracks are of no concern. Cracks can appear in trunks when trees are going through a period of rapid growth. The tree may be unable to shed its bark quick enough for the growth to occur below which causes a crack in the bark on the trunk. The only real issue that may arise in a severe case of cracking is that the inner vascular system of the tree is exposed and becomes an entry point for pest and disease.
If you are concerned about cracks in your tree, the best bet would be to contact a local arborist and have them assess each case on its own merits, however for the most part it should be of no real concern or consequence.
Question 2: Who is my 74 year old mothers secret valentine?
Unfortunately I have no definitive answers to this second pressing question. However rest assured it is an ongoing investigation and if I do find out I will be sure to let you all know.
Thanks for reading, if you have any questions in relation to anything you have read above please do contact us, or leave some comments or feedback below.
Warm regards,
Dean Meyer
Tree FX Quality Tree Management
Evergreen Tree Consultants